Axis hero image, learning. girl with a blue shirt and a smile at the computer, adentity
Axis hero image, learning. Man with a blue shirt and a smile. adentity

Axis communication platform

Empowering knowledge

Axis Communications’ Academy offers video surveillance professionals empowering knowledge, insights and skills through courses and webinars. It also offers a world recognised Certification Program, which lets skilled professionals verify their competence.

Adentity developed the concept of “Empowering knowledge”, highlighting the core benefits of Axis Communications’ Academy’s offer for their 3 vital target groups.

The platform has been executed through the global Axis website. The channel was supported by flyers, posters and ads across the globe, effectively reaching out to the audience in the video surveillance industry.

Axis communication plattform digital by adentity
axis tech service campaign, product leaflet by adentity

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