bona step by step, girl on wooden floor on porch , adentity

Bona Step by Step

Appealing DIY concept for retail

Together with Bona, world leader in wooden floor care, Adentity has developed an attractive consumer DIY concept. Geared towards today’s home renovators, floor owners and contractors alike, Bona’s Step by Step programme is easy to follow and offers help every step of the way to achieve perfect and worry free results.

Taking an approach based on 1-2-3 principles, the developed concept clearly communicates the benefits of home floor renovation and care, and illustrates the enjoyment involved in ‘doing it yourself’. The new concept has been launched 360° across various markets and communicated through ads, catalogues, in-store material, PR and the web.

bona step by step photos of child crawling up the stairs, girl laying on wood floor, Livingroom, armchair with child in it


Lifestyle shots, combined with concept photography, were developed. These depicted the proud DIY enthusiast and family life on a beautiful floor created with Bona.

Bona step by step instore retail exposure and leaflet, manuals by adentity


”How to” guides were produced and distributed in retail stores and DIY chains. These served as useful “Step by Step” guides for floor owners that want to renovate or care for their wooden floors correctly.

Top signs for the retail shelves helped communicate Bona’s new retail offer within the different areas, such as varnish, decking, care etc.


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