Brio concept material by adentity
slogan brio by adentity

Learn, play and win

Interactive consumer involvement

BRIO and Adentity launched a new international website with “learn, play and win” as a theme. The idea was to create consumer involvement, and connect generations by engaging both adults and children in the website.

The website contained the quiz “Guess the Toy”, an interactive memory game with BRIO Original Toys – a chance to drive a train and possibilities to win fun prizes.

BRIO campaign, competition guess the toy, by adentity


A variety of fun, interactive games were launched on the consumer website to create involvement with the target audience, helping to communicate the BRIO brand further.

Brio different language concept material by adentity

Language adaptation

The consumer website was launched simultaneously across 12 markets with different languages. Adentity headed the process and smoothly and effectively directed the artwork and content.


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