Meet Gen Z – the upcoming generation! Following the game-changing Millennials, Gen Z is a generation that is becoming increasingly important when it comes to consumer behaviour, marketing, and communication. At Adentity, we have looked into this generation, the most diverse ever, to outline some of its characteristics. So, let’s get to know them better.
Generation Z, or the ”Zoomers,” was born between 1995(7) and 2012. They are the first generation to have grown up in a completely digital world, which has shaped them in many ways. For example, you have their attention for the whole 8 seconds, and they usually juggle five devices simultaneously. No doubt, they are more connected and tech-savvy than any previous generation.
This generation, together with Millennials, has sometimes gotten the epithet “snowflake generation”, derived from the notion of them being seen as somewhat fragile and easily offended, but with a feeling that there is no one else like you.
They are the children of Generation X and are, to some extent, shaped by the same volatile societal environment. Gen X had to deal with the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the oil crisis, Watergate, and stock exchange crashes. Gen Z was formed by the financial crisis, a pandemic that closed everything worldwide, the climate crisis, and being part of a new, somewhat unknown digital era. This has created the same scepticism, with a positive touch, as their parents.
With a combination of dynamic visuals, vibrant colours, and an upbeat soundtrack the video is specifically customized to align with Gen Z preferences, making the video both visually and audibly appealing. And with the 8 second focus in fresh memory at least they will see half of it before they turn to another media.
Gen Z values education very highly and prefers gaming and being at home with family and close friends before partying. Health and training are essential, and they are careful with money and sceptical of any loan, with a lessened need for owning things. They value diversity highly, need clear goals, and know what to expect before entering any commitment, be it a new job, a trust assignment, or an activity. Gen Z are individuals that are including with a focus on ethical and moral values as well as a strong feeling for safety and control. This also conveys a deeper interest in research and being source-critical.
As consumers, they trust influencers in everything, from health coaching and make-up tips to what skincare brand to buy (or not to buy) and restaurant to visit. Therefore, marketing to this generation must be genuine, transparent, and authentic to entice them to purchase. They like quality and unique products and prefer to shop in brick-and-mortar stores with fun happenings rather than online. And although they care about the planet and products being ethically produced, they still have a love for fast fashion.
So, are Gen Z digital natives embodied as unique snowflakes? Digital – definitely; snowflakes – more questionable. Gen Z is shaping up to be an adaptable generation that spends time with their family and close friends, is careful with money, includes everyone, and has strong ethical and moral values, especially when it comes to marketing and consumption. They take nothing for granted and impose a sceptical yet positive view of their own future. A generation that will shape the world of tomorrow.